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Igba Nnono

Abiriba children

As infants, children are not segregated but at the ages of four to six, they are separated .the young boys are given catapult, bow and arrow to hunt a bird at the nearby bush. They do this under the supervision of the older male children. This time may be full of fun but it could also be stressful as they would have to learn on the job how to use these weapons to hunt and to protect or defend themselves. At this stage most children return home with bruised fingers as their greatest challenge for their age is the ability to use these weapons properly without sustaining injuries. At the end of this period of searching, learning and hunting the successful ones comes rejoicing with their bird and ogilisi leaves. The successful ones are celebrated by relatives and well-wishers who give them farm products of different sort as is available at the time of the successful outing. This is the first step into manhood for the boys. Therefore, they are allowed to make choice of anything that is shared in the community before their female ones.

Time: December 20th 2014

Venue: Abiriba Town Hall